Eden NZ: Mountains to the Sea - Ki Uta Ki Tai



"Eden Project NZ is a social enterprise – focusing our relationships on water and our environment – expressed in an inspirational, fun and educational way. It will showcase New Zealand’s unique environment and demonstrate our community’s commitment not only to regeneration, but also to positive transformation. 

Eden Project NZ will be based at the Avonside Loop – on approximately 70 hectares of land – nestled amongst the curves of the Ōtākaro/Avon River’s journey to the sea. Comprising a multi-sensory world-class visitor destination and new neighbourhood, it will braid the histories of the natural world and the people who have inhabited it – exploring and celebrating the relationships between nature and culture.

Kaitiakitanga will define our approach to ecological regeneration, practice and visitor engagement. Fusing education with entertainment, combining environmental stewardship with wonder, and being financially sustainable by deriving “profits with a purpose” will be core to our function."

Please note: the Eden NZ concept is currently undergoing very significant development:

For further Information visit the Eden NZ website or contact the Eden NZ team on Facebook.