1.To advocate for the Ōtākaro/Avon River and the surrounding red zone lands to become a publicly owned ecological and recreational reserve, running from the Papawai Ōtākaro/Avon River Park in the CBD, through to the coast.
2. To work with Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri Rūnanga and Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu on their vision for the Ōtākaro and ensure the incorporation of cultural heritage and values are included within the development of an Ōtākaro/Avon River Park.
3. To promote the establishment of a broad, continuous, natural corridor of indigenous habitat as appropriate to the historic ecology of the Ōtākaro/Avon River and its catchment, including Te Ihutai/Estuary, with specific regard to enhancing water quality and indigenous biodiversity.
4. To advocate for definitive and timely decisions regarding the long-term future use of the Ōtākaro/Avon River and residential red zone lands, to provide certainty and confidence for those having to abandon the lands, those living in adjoining communities and greater Christchurch.
5. To quantify and disseminate findings about the economic value of this initiative in terms of wetland management, biodiversity, water quality, carbon economics, cultural, recreational and community assets, health, tourism, education, employment and small business.
6. To promote a widely supported, multi-purpose amenity by incorporating, where appropriate, other desires raised by the people of Christchurch for the future use of this red zone land, including (but not limited to):
A. A continuous network of pedestrian paths and cycle ways from CBD to coast as both a recreational and tourism asset, able to interconnect with similar networks in the north, south and west;
B. Land and water-based recreational facilities and amenities for the health, wellbeing and further development of the community;
C. Some exotic parkland (possibly retaining existing trees and other plants from the abandoned gardens of Red Zone residents);
D. Entertainment, recreational, and commemorative events, such as the Spring River Festival, Christchurch Marathon and River of Flowers;
E. Food resilience and sustainability with provision for communal gardens and allotments;
F. A living memorial to those who lost their lives and homes in the earthquakes;
G. Art, craft and cultural amenities that reflect our diverse heritage;
H. Promotion of learning and research opportunities in social and environmental studies and community resilience, for all levels of education.
7. To promote these initiatives as a seamless extension of complementary initiatives in the CBD and elsewhere along the river, estuary and coastal systems of the region.
8. To integrate the multipurpose objectives into a coherent spatial plan for the Ōtākaro/Avon River and the surrounding red zone lands incorporating the above.
The focus of AvON is the future use of the Ōtākaro/Avon River Red Zone. However, we acknowledge the plight and pain of those of us who have had to abandon red zone homes, and the financial difficulties many faced in doing so. We hope that by working to ensure the land becomes a place of beauty and pride, we can give some comfort and peace to those directly affected. We offer our support to those individuals and groups focused on negotiating and advocating for the best possible housing outcomes for all.