A primary tenet of the AvON Vision is the maximum possible restoration of native ecosystems, to enhance water quality, biodiversity and environmental resilience, which in turn support mana whenua aspirations for restored mahinga kai values.
In May 2017 we published a series of three reports regarding Ecological Regeneration Options for the Avon-Ōtākaro Red Zone that we commissioned in collaboration with the other two groups below. To access the reports click on the graphics above. A Summary of the findings with links to the reports is available here.
Over the course of the past few years two other community groups have emerged to primarily champion ecological restoration of the red zone Avon-Ōtākaro Forest Park and Greening the Red Zone. We highly recommend you visit their sites and respective Facebook pages.
The above plan is reproduced from Avon-Ōtākaro Forest Park.
Other proposals listed on the left support, complement or are integral to this eg Mahinga Kai, New Wetlands, Waitākari Sanctuary. We also recommend you view our Biodiversity Strategy resource page for further information.