A lot of people have ideas for what can happen in the residential red zone along the River Avon. Many of these ideas can be viewed or added here. These ideas come from communities, scientists and interest groups and cover many different activities and plans.
While most of the projects listed here are being developed within the broader AvON network, AvON Strategic Steering Group is often just a collaborative partner or observer within the autonomous project team.
However AvON does actively co-lead one specific project with Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu: the Mahinga Kai Project - the Mahinga Kai Exemplar is a sub-project of this. We view the Mahinga Kai Project as fundamental to our vision as it provides for the restoration of the core green and blue 'infrastructure' of the ecological reserve and multi-purpose river park.
You can suggest a project and become a proposal 'champion' simply by contacting us.
Or if an existing project interests you, you may be able to join the team by contacting us and we'll put you in touch with the project leader.
Our project facilitator can help you define and promote your ideas and put you in touch with others who might share your vision.
Project leaders aim to turn these projects into reality by establishing:
We also help groups share information and coordinate research, work through any conflicts and look for synergies. And we bring different projects for the Avon River residential red zone into a coherent whole, promoting them for community feedback and recognition by recovery agencies.