What is the AvON Living Portfolio?
The AvON Living Portfolio is a continually evolving repository of:
Most of the proposals listed here are being developed within the broader AvON network, the AvON Strategic Steering Group (SSG) is often just a collaborative partner or observer within the autonomous project team.
Many of these ideas, principles and plans were covered in the 2015 CTV Series "Eyes East": this 7-part series is still available to view on-line and your feedback can still be added to the EVO::SPACE website (see below).
Please note that because AvON SSG does not lead the majority of these projects, not all information is available on this website - some project and plan infomation developed by third parties may not be in the public domain for a number of reasons eg commercial sensitivity. AvON SSG will continue to strongly advocate for transparency and openess with regard to this information where and when possible.
However AvON SSG does actively lead or co-lead specific projects - large events, research projects, exemplars and transitional use projects. We have listed these separately under Our Projects.
To find out more about how projects are initiated, or how you can champion or contribute to one click About Project Proposals at the top of the list on the left.
Many of the proposals for the Avon River residential red zone are also listed on EVO::SPACE where you are free to comment on them as an individual or part of a group. This online community feedback resource is managed by Eastern Vision, a partner group of community leaders who want to help communities create a big-picture plan for the whole of the east .
In 2014 an initial Analysis of Community Feedback was published and is avaialble here. A Map of Community Aspirations was derived from this analysis and can be viewed here and details of the proposals listed are available here. Note some of these propsoals lie outside the residential red zone and/or are not compatible with the AvON vision.