The Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor offers an amazing opportunity for the city, but we only have one chance to get it right – who you vote for is part of this process.
Recently the Minister for Greater Christchurch Regeneration signed off the Regeneration Plan for the Ōtākaro Avon River Corridor.
The Council will take over ownership of the corridor lands in tranches over the course of the next few years. Final ownership, governance and implementation are still undefined.
It is likely that local Community Board Members and Councillors will play key roles in these decisions, so there is keen interest in candidates’ views on these matters.
Avon Ōtākaro Network invited candidates in the wards directly impacted by the corridor to give 30 second answers to each of 5 questions about the corridor. We also asked the same questions of the three main Mayoral candidates.
Here you can view the responses from each of them. You can view their answers candidate by candidate or question by question. We trust this will help inform your vote.
NB: We were not able to contact all candidates, some were unavailable and some did not respond to invitations to participate.
Here are the three main Mayoral Candidates answering the five questions.
Written responses were received from Simone Rewa Pearson and Sally Buck you can view these here.
FInally, Greening the Red Zone also surveyed candidates regarding the OARC, the results can be downloaded from here: file:///C:/Users/evana/Downloads/candidates-2019-survey-results(4).pdf.