Biodiversity Strategy

"Biodiversity (biological diversity) is the diversity of living things.  The greater the diversity of an ecological system the better its chances of being resilient to impacts such as climate change or invasion by pests. It is the native and endemic species of a region that are most significant.

"New Zealand’s biodiversity is unique but extremely vulnerable. To conserve this biodiversity New Zealanders need to value it. Over hundreds of years tangata whenua have developed a close relationship with New Zealand’s native plants, birds and other biota for food, weaving, clothing, carving, shelter and medicine."
These quotes are from the Lincoln Envirotown booklet "Backyard Biodiversity in Canterbury".  This excellent resource is the basis of AvON's biodiversity strategy and is requried reading for all project champions. Here is another excellent local resource for all regeneration proposals for the red zone and beyond: How to put Nature into our Neighbourhoods.
We have also produced this ecosystem map for the Avon RIver Red Zone based on the Black Map of Christchurch overlaid on the Christchurch Ecosystems map by Lucas Associates.